How to request Social Stamp Credentials

How to request Social Stamp Credentials

ProofSpace offers social account verification, enabling mobile app users to confirm their ownership of social networks and email accounts. Once accounts are verified, users receive verifiable social stamp credentials in their identity wallets. 

There are two ways the users of the ProofSpace app can verify their social network accounts. 

The first one we call “Web Flow.” In this flow, the app user can visit our Social Stamps website using a desktop or mobile browser and verify their social accounts.

The other one we call "Mobile Flow." Any entity that uses the ProofSpace dashboard can add the verified social account credential to any interaction (data exchange) with their users as a required credential. In this case, the app user will be able to request this credential via an embedded web view popup before proceeding with the interaction with this service (entity).

In both cases, the first step will be the user authorization to the "ProofSpace Social Stamps" using SSI OAuth. You can read about the SSI OAuth feature in our Knowledge Base.

Currently, ProofSpace supports verification for LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Discord, Github, and Email accounts. We are actively working to expand this list by adding support for more platforms.








Request Social Stamp from mobile app user

To request a verified social account credential from your client (mobile app user), add the desired credential definition of the "ProofSpace ID" service to the “Required credential definitions section of any interaction.

You can find more information about the required credentials on the https://proofspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KBOV/pages/2223407136 page of our Knowledge Base.



If your client already has this credential in their ID wallet, they will share it with your service to fulfill the interaction requirements.

If your client doesn't have this credential in their ID wallet, they will be redirected to the authorization process.


Receiving Social Stamp

First, the mobile app user will see a "Request" button next to the requested verified stamp.


The verification flow (mobile app user)

By clicking on it, they will be redirected to the "ProofSpace ID" service interaction and then to the web view of the authorization page for the requested stamp.




The client will be asked to enter the login and password for the verified account.

If the client verifies the email, they will be asked to enter it and then enter the code sent to that email address (two-factor authorization).

Suppose the login and the password are valid. In that case, the user will receive the popup message in the ProofSpace app with the prompt to receive the credential. After clicking on it, they will receive the requested verified stamp with the necessary personal information.

After the client clicks on the "Receive" button, they will be redirected to the interaction page for issuing the desired social stamp.

After clicking the "Proceed" button, the client will receive the selected social stamp as a verifiable credential in their ID wallet and can proceed with your (original) interaction.



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