ProofSpace-Canvas LTI integration

ProofSpace-Canvas LTI integration

Available scenarios

  1. Onboarding: a student initiates onboarding by scanning a QR code. This step is required to proceed with the learning course.Additionally, you can set previously obtained course certificates from the student as required credentials;

  2. Issuing intermediate credentials (or requesting intermediate credentials) by scanning a QR code (as in point 1)

  3. Issuing a certificate by “Course complete” event in Canvas by defined schema, or optionally, you can issue a certificate by a custom schema by scanning a QR code.

  4. Issuing the credential by “Learning Outcome” event in Canvas with defined schema.








Triggering PS Interaction via QR code on Canvas



Create a developer key


For every Canvas instance, you need to create a new developer key.


Go to your Canvas Admin account.
Click "Admin," then click "Developer keys."


Click "+ Developer Key" on the new page and then"+ API Key."


Add the name of the key and your email to the corresponding fields on the new page.

In the "Redirect URIs" field, add https://platform.proofspace.id/lti/oauth2response.

Click "Save."


Make sure to switch this key ON to activate it.


Contact our support team and provide us with this LTI Developer Key so we can add it on our side. This is a temporary inconvenience. We are currently working on creating an interface that will allow our users to add developer keys themselves in the future.

Create a new LTI Application

You must create a new LTI application for each service using integration with the Canvas platform.



Go to your Canvas Admin page.
Click "Admin" and then "Settings."


On the new page, click "Apps," then "View App Configurations," and then "+ App.”

























On the new page, add name for your app.

Consumer key: 123

Shared secret: 1234

Launch URL: https://platform.proofspace.id/lti/launch-lti

Domain: Welcome to nginx!

In the “Privacy“ field, select “Public.“

In the Custom Fields area add , add the following:


(You can find your service DID in the URL of your service).

Click “Submit.”


You can add any “Consumer key” and “Shared secret”. If you choose to add your own, contact our support and provide us with this information so that we can add it on our side.



Create a course

Create a course you want to integrate with ProofSpace.

In the course, create modules and assignments. Set all necessary restrictions in assignment settings.

In the "Submission type" field of the assignment Settings, select "External tool."

Then, find the app you've created on the "Enter or find an external tool URL" drop-down list.



Generate admin token




On your Canvas main Admin page, click “Account,“ then click “Settings.“


On the new page, click "+ New Access Token" (scroll down if needed).








On the pop-up window, enter your purpose (you can enter any). If necessary, you can also set an expiration date for this token.
Click "Generate Token."



Copy this token and save it somewhere handy. You will need it when setting up interaction with the extension on your PS service dashboard.

After you close that page, this token will no longer be available for copying, and you will need to generate a new one.


For information on the next steps to set up the "Onboarding" interaction or issuing credentials via QR code scanning, click here.

Click on the corresponding link to see information on the next steps to set up the issuing credential to the student by “Course completed“ and “Learning Outcome“ Canvas event.


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