Issuing credential by “Learning outcome“ event

Issuing credential by “Learning outcome“ event








!Registration(onboarding) of Canvas student with ProofSpace App is required!

This type of interaction (initiated "by event") cannot issue credentials to unregistered learners.

Therefore, students must first register with ProofSpace through another interaction, such as "Onboard.”

You can find information on how to set up "Onboarding" with Canvas here.



When a teacher grades a student’s assignment that includes a Learning Outcome, the student can receive this Learning Outcome as a verifiable credential (VC) in the ProofSpace App.

If the student was not onboarded to this course with ProofSpace when they received the outcome, the outcome will be issued to them once they are onboarded with ProofSpace.



To begin issuing the "Learning Outcome" credentials, create or update the trigger subscription.


Update (add event) your subscription

If you already created the subscription, add “Learning Outcome,“ “Learning Outcome Link“ and “Learning Outcome Result“ triggers to it.

To do so, click “Admin,“ then “Data services.“

On the new page, select the subscription’s name.


Add event to your subscription

On the new page, tick the checkboxes next to "Learning Outcome," "Learning Outcome Link," and "Learning Outcome Result."

Create a trigger subscription

If you haven’t create the trigger subscription yet, create one.

On your Canvas admin account, click "Admin" and then click "Data Services.


On the new page, click “+ Add.“






  1. Name the new trigger.

  2. In the delivery method, select HTTPS.

  3. Add https://platform.proofspace.id/lti/web-hook/trigger to the “URL“ field.

For the moment, we support only event “course completed” and “Learning outcome“ We are working on expanding the number of events for the interaction triggers.





  1. On the new page, scroll down if needed, and tick “Learning Outcome,“ “Learning Outcome link,“ and “Learning Outcome Result“ checkboxes.

  1. Click “Save and Exit.“



Create and add the learning outcomes to your course

Create the Learning Outcomes and Rubrics on Canvas

Add outcomes to rubrics.

Create an assignment with learning outcome in your course. Add the rubric to this assignment.


Setup on PS Service side:



Create a new credential definition

You can issue learning outcome as a VC based on the defined schema. The schema is provided by the '“Instructure Canvas Gateway” service.

To create a new credential definition for issuing the “Learning Outcome” as a VC on the ProofSpace Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Schemas“ tab

  2. Select “Public schemas“

  3. Find the ”2RjEBo9zXkJByXm14xQHtg:2:Learning Outcome Certificate:1.0” schema of the “Instructure Canvas Gateway“ service and click “Create.“

  4. On the “Create Credential Definition” page, check “Service-attested“ checkbox, and click “Create.“


Create new interaction on your ProofSpace Dashboard


Now, create a new interaction:

  1. To create a new interaction click the “Interactions“ tab.

  2. On the “interactions“ page, click “Add Interaction.“

  3. Name the interaction and add an icon.

  4. Set “Incoming push from service“ as an initiation media type.

  5. Click “Select” next to the “Issued credential definition“ section.

  6. In the pop-up window, select the credential definition you created on the previous step (“Learning Outcome Certificate“).

  7. Click “OK“

  8. Add messages to your user in the “Notification Flow“ section (Optional).

  9. Click “Done” to save the interaction

You can find more information about how to create an interaction on the https://proofspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ZAKA/pages/2120877482 .



Install the extension

Go to the “Extensions“ tab of the main menu.

On the new page, click “Install Extension.“

Next, select “Public Extensions“ and then click “Install“ next to the “Canvas Outcomes“ extension.

Click “Submit.“


Before the next step, prepare:

  1. subscriptionId - On your “Canvas“ admin page, click “Admin,“ and then “Data Services.“ Copy and save your subscription ID.

  2. credentialId - Go to “Schemas“ tab, select “My Credential Definitions.“ Find the ID of “Learning Outcome Certificate“ credential definition. Copy and save it.

  3. schemaId - 2RjEBo9zXkJByXm14xQHtg:2:Learning Outcome Certificate:1.0


Add extension to the interaction

To add the “Canvas Outcomes” extension for issuing “Learning Outcomes“ credentials, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Interactions” page;

  2. Click on the “Edit” icon next to the interaction that you created for issuing “Learning Outcomes” credentials;

  3. Scroll down and click “Select” next to the “Extension Setup” field;

  4. In the pop-up window, select the “Canvas Outcomes” extension.


Add extension settings

On the “Extension Settings“ pop-up window add the following information:

  1. subscriptionId - add your Canvas subscription ID.

  2. runOnce - check this checkbox if you want to issue this credential only once to the same user.

  3. issueMasteredOnly - if you check this checkbox, the credential will be issued only if the assignment with outcome has rating “Mastered.”

  4. usePrism - check this checkbox if you want to issue the “Learning Outcome“ as an Atala PRISM credential.

  5. credentialId - ID of the “Learning Outcome Certificate“ credential definition.

  6. schemaId - 2RjEBo9zXkJByXm14xQHtg:2:Learning Outcome Certificate:1.0

All other fields will be filled in automatically.

  1. Click “Submit”

  1. Then, click “Done“ to save this interaction.


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