Dashboard Page

Dashboard Page

The "Dashboard" tab of the main menu contains general information about clients and their interactions with the service. The information includes the client's DID (always) and can show different columns of client data depending on the selected credential for display and column settings (made in the Service info Page ).







Dashboard Page

To access the dashboard page, click the "Dashboard" tab in the main menu.

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Statistic infobox













The box at the top of this page displays service interaction statistics sorted by status. There are six main status types: pending, completed, waiting for credential, waiting for verification, pushed and failed.

The "Pending" status indicates that the client will receive the credential when the mobile application is opened.

The "Complete" status signifies that the interaction's entire cycle has been completed.

The "Waiting for credential" status indicates that the client's data has been received on the dashboard, but the interaction cycle has not yet been completed.

The “Waiting for verification” status indicates that the credential issuance requires external verification, which may take some time.

The “Pushed” status indicates that the service has initiated the credential issuance, but the client has not yet accepted it.

The "Failed" status indicates that the interaction was not completed for any reason.

You can find information about the interaction status in the "Interaction Statuses" section of the this page.

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On the dashboard page, various filters are available. Click the "Filter by date" icon to sort the results by date. A calendar will appear in a pop-up window.

On the “Dashboard” page, you'll find various filters. Click the “Filter by date” icon to sort the results by date.

Filter configuration steps

Select the request type from the drop-down menu located in the top left corner of the pop-up window: choose the “Started at” or the “Changed at” option.

Select "Started at" to retrieve filtered results based on the date the interaction was initiated.

Select "Changed at" to obtain filtered results based on the date the interaction status was modified.

If the filtered result need to include data that meets both criteria simultaneously, create two filters sequentially.



Specify the required date period in the calendar.

Note that the filtered result will display data as of 00:00:00 of the specified "End Date" limit.

To apply the specified filter to the data, click "OK."





The selected time period will be displayed next to the "Filter by date" symbol.

Repeat the "Filter Configuration steps" to simultaneously display the filter results from multiple time intervals.

Filter Data by interaction

Click on the “Filters” section under the “Interaction” sign.


You will find a list of all existing interactions in the drop-down menu. Select the desired interaction to filter the data.


Filter data by interaction instance

The "Interaction instance" filter section will appear if the specified interaction contains instances.

Click on the "Interaction instance" filter section and choose the name of the required instance from the drop-down list of instances, or select "All.”


Filter by interaction status

To filter data by interaction status, navigate to the “Status” area of the “Filters” section and select the required status from the drop-down list, or click “All.”

Interaction Statuses













There are six status types: pending, complete, waiting for credential, waiting for verification, pushed, and failed.

The "Pending" status indicates that the client will receive the credential when the mobile application is opened.

The "Complete" status signifies that the interaction's entire cycle has been completed.

The "Waiting" or "Waiting for credential" status indicates that the client's data has been received on the dashboard, but the interaction cycle has not yet been completed.

The "Waiting for verification" status appears when the credential issuance requires verification on the third-party system side. The duration of the verification process may vary depending on various factors.

The “Pushed” status indicates that the service has initiated the credential issuance, but the client has not yet accepted it.

The "Failed" status indicates that the interaction was not completed for any reason.

The "Pushed" status indicates that the service has initiated the credential issuance. While the credentials have been issued, the mobile app user is yet to accept them. Upon opening the ProofSpace app, the user will see a pop-up prompting them to receive the credential. After the user receives them, the “Pushed” status will be updated to “Complete."


Dashboard column visibility setup

The dashboard column's visibility can be modified on the "Service info" page of the main menu.

See details on the Service info Page of this user manual.

Default dashboard columns

By default, the dashboard displays four columns:

DID: a client’s unique identifier.

Date: the date of the interaction’s initiation.

Interaction: the name of the interaction.

Status: the current status of the interaction.


An interaction can have six different statuses. Refer to the "Interaction Statuses" section on this page.


Sorting data

The data in each column can be sorted. For more information, see the Sorting rules page of this overview.


Client’s information page

To get to the Client Information Page , click the icon in the column "DID."

Navigate to the chosen Interaction page.


To access the interaction details, click on the name of the desired interaction in the “Interaction” column.

Client communication flow



New event

You will find the “New Event” message on the Dashboard each time a client initiates an interaction.

If the interaction is automatically completed, the mobile app user will receive a pop-up notification with the message from the “Success” box of the notification flow. When the client opens their mobile app, the “Status” of that particular interaction will be updated to “Complete.”


Manually issue credential

If the credential cannot be issued automatically, the status in the “Status” column will display as “Waiting.” One possible reason for this is manual credential issuance.

To issue the credential, click on it.

If you set the rules of pre-filling the data for attributes of this credential, you will be able to view and modify them if necessary.

Enter all the missing required information in the new window, and click “Issue.”


Reject credential issuance

To reject the credential issuance, click on the “Status” column of the chosen interaction. On the new page, click the “Reject” button.



Status: Waiting

The “Waiting” status indicates that the credential is either awaiting manual issuance or verification from the third-party system.


Status: Pending

The “Pending” status indicates that the credential is being issued to the client, but the client hasn't opened the app yet to receive it.


Status: Complete

The “Complete“ status indicates completing the entire interaction cycle successfully.


Status: Failed

The “Failed” status indicates that, for any reason, the interaction has been rejected or failed to proceed.


Interaction details view













To see the details of the particular interaction, click on the selected interaction’s “Status“ column.

This information includes the interaction name, interaction instance (if any), the credentials issued as a result of this interaction, credentials shared by the client to get issued credentials from the service, and the date and time of the interaction.

You can see the "Download" icon next to the "Credentials issued to user" field. Click on it to download a PDF file that displays all the issued credential attributes and a QR code containing the same issued credential information encrypted and signed by JSON LD key.

All the information about that credential will appear by clicking on any credential section.



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